oops I forgot to mention the end-to-end-encrypted direct messages!

Check out this data!


Listen to the Community Dev Call for November 🎧

SkyFeed automatically saves your position when you’re logged in, so you can take a break and continue right where you left off, even on different devices!

Hi everyone, please let me know which of these features you would like to see the most on SkyFeed and why! Mention other users with @ Handshake Username Verification Likes and/or Emoji Reactions Optional markdown support Custom color theme with sync and share functionality If you have a feature request not listed here, please add it on GitHub! https://github.com/redsolver/skyfeed/issues



SkyFeed is now open-source under the MIT license!


Question: Should I license SkyFeed under MIT or GPL?

SkyFeed Beta 0.4

Dark Mode! (3 options: system, light, dark) You can now delete your own posts. Please note that this breaks all reposts and comments You can now see a list of followers and follows of a user New loading indicators for reposting and saving The comment count now includes nested comments Actions that require login are now hidden when logged out design optimizations and bug fixes Request features and report bugs on GitHub.

SkyFeed Beta Update

Notification when someone follows you You can accept the “follow” request to add this user to your “followers” list and count Scroll positions are persisted when you navigate away from a feed Create post on the mobile version Arrow Key Scrolling bug fixes You can refollow someone if you want to be added to their followers list. Please add feature requests and bug reports on GitHub. You can also upvote feature requests you like there.

Hello from Android!